

Judy’s Sweets & Treats is a dessert company dedicated to providing high-quality, unique treats with a personal feel for customers who seek a fun, more enjoyable dessert outside of traditional bakery and commercial options. By combining a unique blend of ingredients, we provide our customers with a one-of-a-kind dessert experience.  

A note from Judy Crim, the owner and baker:

I have been asked how I came about starting Judy's Sweets & Treats. I always enjoyed watching my mom bake as I was growing up. I began later in life making muffins for my daughter Kathleen's Equestrian team and for my son Sean's lacrosse teams. We lived in a cul-de-sac with seventeen children. One morning I made muffins for the children to eat at the bus stop. This morphed into "Muffin Monday", which to this day has continued to be a tradition. As time went on my mom told me it was time for me to learn how to make Stollen (German Christmas Bread). I have to say this made me nervous because I only had made muffins up until this point.  As I approached 50 all of a sudden I could successfully bake cookies, cakes, brownies and other things! I have spent the past 10 years baking and thoroughly enjoyed it. I am happy to say, yes, I do bake the family Stollen every year. Our family tradition carries on! My children saw how much I enjoyed baking for them and for others. They encouraged me to start Judy's Sweets & Treats. So my son, Sean, and I created Judy's Sweets & Treats. I am very thankful to both of my children for their encouragement and support. I am especially thankful to Sean for developing the business so I can enjoy my baking!
I hope you enjoy my sweets and treats as much as I enjoy baking them for you!